

\advance\voffset by -0.5in
\advance\hoffset by -0.2in

\hbox to \hsize{\hfill ROUND #1\hfill}\par
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill TABLE #2\hfill}\par
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill #3\hfill}\par
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill {\tt ~-------~}\hfill}\par
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill {\tt |~~~N~~~|}\hfill}\par
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill\hbox to 0pt{\hss #6}{\tt~|~W~+~E~|~}\hbox to 0pt{#5\hss}\hfill }\par
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill {\tt |~~~S~~~|}\hfill}\par
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill {\tt ~-------~}\hfill}\par
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill #4\hfill}\par
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill Match Date\hfill}\par

No.  & Deal  & Vul   & Contr & By & 
Lead & Tricks & Score & TOTAL & I M P \\\hline

 1.  &  N    &  --  &	& &  &	& &	&\\ \hline
 2.  &  E    &  NS  &	& &  &	& &	&\\ \hline
 3.  &  S    &  EW  &	& &  &	& &	&\\ \hline
 4.  &  W    &  All &	& &  &	& &	&\\ \hline\hline
 5.  &  N    &  NS  &	& &  &	& &	&\\ \hline
 6.  &  E    &  EW  &	& &  &	& &	&\\ \hline
 7.  &  S    &  All &	& &  &	& &	&\\ \hline
 8.  &  W    &  --  &	& &  &	& &	&\\ \hline\hline
\multicolumn{9}{|r|}{\bf IMP Total} & : \\ \hline

\begin{tabular}{| r | *{4}{c|}}
\rule{0pt}{3ex}	& {\Large A}  & {\Large B}  & {\Large C}  & {\Large D}  \\ 
                & Player-A1  \& & Player-B1 \& & Player-C1 \& & Player-D1 \& \\
                & Player-A2     & Player-B2    & Player-C2    & Player-D2    \\
I	& \rule{2cm}{0pt} & \rule{2cm}{0pt}
	& \rule{2cm}{0pt} & \rule{2cm}{0pt}\\ \hline
II	&  &  &  &  \\ \hline
III	&  &  &  &  \\ \hline
TOTAL	&  &  &  &  \\ \hline

{\scriptsize \LaTeX-ed by adc@floater.org, lastmod on Dec 10, 1999}}


\hbox to \textwidth{\compasstab{I}{1}{Player-A1}{Player-A2}{Player-C1}{Player-C2}

\hbox to \textwidth{\compasstab{II}{1}{Player-A1}{Player-A2}{Player-D1}{Player-D2}

\hbox to \textwidth{\compasstab{III}{1}{Player-A1}{Player-A2}{Player-B1}{Player-B2}



\centerline{\Large TEAM A: Player-A1 \& Player-A2}

\centerline{Match Date}

\centerline{\bf Round I:   AB vs. CD (N--S Table 1)}

\centerline{\bf Round II:  AC vs. BD (N--S Table 1)}

\centerline{\bf Round III: AD vs. BC (N--S Table 1)}




\centerline{\Large TEAM B: Player-B1 \& Player-B2}

\centerline{Match Date}

\centerline{\bf Round I:   AB vs. CD (E--W Table 2)}

\centerline{\bf Round II:  AC vs. BD (N--S Table 2)}

\centerline{\bf Round III: AD vs. BC (E--W Table 1)}



\centerline{\Large TEAM C: Player-C1 \& Player-C2}

\centerline{Match Date}

\centerline{\bf Round I:   AB vs. CD (E--W Table 1)}

\centerline{\bf Round II:  AC vs. BD (E--W Table 2)}

\centerline{\bf Round III: AD vs. BC (N--S Table 2)}


%%  TEAM D

\centerline{\Large TEAM D: Player-D1 \& Player-D2}

\centerline{Match Date}

\centerline{\bf Round I:   AB vs. CD (N--S Table 2)}

\centerline{\bf Round II:  AC vs. BD (E--W Table 1)}

\centerline{\bf Round III: AD vs. BC (E--W Table 2)}

