


\def\cdtit{The {\sc te\TeX} Distribution}
{\sc te\TeX} (version 1.0) is a \TeX\ distribution for UNIX$^{\sf TM}$ compatible
Together with {\tt tetex-bin} you have a minimal installation
With {\tt tetex-extra} and {\tt tetex-nonfree} you have a complete installation
Includes: {\tt texlib, latex, mflib, mfbasfnt, bibtex, textfm}
{\sc te\TeX} (version 1.0) is a \TeX\ distribution for UNIX$^{\sf TM}$ compatible
Together with {\tt tetex-bin} you have a minimal installation
With {\tt tetex-extra} and {\tt tetex-nonfree} you have a complete installation
Includes: {\tt texlib, latex, mflib, mfbasfnt, bibtex, textfm}

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